You may have heard about price slippage and it may have caused you to lose as well, but you do not know what slippage is. In fact, slippage is one of ...
You may have heard of the economic calendar before, but what is it? In the Forex market, there is a lot of news that affects the market, some of which is ...
You may have heard the term chart before in the Forex market. There are many Forex charts and each chart has its own way of dealing with it in terms of the ...
In the Forex market, brokers are divided into two types: Market Maker and ECN. These two types have their own policies in dealing with traders and ...
You may have heard the term divergence before, and in this article, we will explain in detail what it is, how to trade with it, and its correlation with the ...
Have you ever wondered what the difference between Forex and stock trading is? You may have thought about investing in the financial markets before, but ...
The terms margin call and stop out are among the most important terms that you should know immediately after joining Forex because these two terms can help ...
The Forex market has a very strong correlation with the Central Bank and the decisions issued by the Governor of the Central Bank and also the ...
What are Forex accounts? When you start your journey in the world of Forex, there are some things that you should know in addition to the strategies and ...
You may have heard the term spread before, but what is a Forex spread? Because Spread is one of the most important Terminology a trader must be aware ...