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Tradingview Tools | Easy guide for Beginners 2024

Tradingview is a Browser based on Charts that provides access to financial markets such as Forex, Cryptocurrencies, and Stocks. It also offers real-time prices through many brokers. Trading view is a free tool, but there are paid plans to get extra access to Trading view Features.

Register with Tradingview

Before analyzing the market, you must register a new account with a trading view to save your data, or you may want to sign in with a different device.

First, go to Trading view’s Official website Here,

  • Go to sign in and choose Sign up

Tradingview Sign up

You can sign up by Gmail or Facebook, etc. or create a new account with an Email

tradingview Create an account

Create an account

Connect your broker to Tradingview.

After signing in, choose your broker by selecting (Trading panel) at the bottom.

Please note that you don’t have to connect your broker with Trading view if you don’t have an account with those brokers or don’t want to Trade through Tradingview.

Tradingview connect broker

Connect to broker

Tradingview plans

Tradingview has paid plans with Extra Features than the Free plan, but if you want to continue with the Free plan, you can do that since Trading view Free plan is also Good for Most traders


Tradingview Plans

Tradingview Plans

Non-professional Plans


Tradingview Plans

Tradingview Plans

professional plans

Tradingview chart types

Tradingview Charts

Trading view Charts

There are many chart types on Trading view, not just 3 in MT4 or MT5. You can explore them to find what is suitable for you. Still, if you want my recommendation, the candlestick Chart is the most popular for analyzing, especially if you analyze using (SMC, Technical analysis, and Harmonic) Many schools of analysis work well with candlesticks because their data is easy to read.

Tradingview Tools

One of the most amazing things I love about Trading view is Their tools; they have many tools that help me trade and Draw many lines and Better understand what is going on in the market.

You will find many tools in Trading view. You don’t have to use all of them. Just use what is suitable for you and what you are trained to do from videos or courses. If you draw too many Tools in the chart, reading the chart and analyzing the market will be messy and complicated. Just make it simple and Easy for you.

Tradingview Tools

Trading view Tools


We don’t stand in front of a chart for hours in the forex market. We analyze and Trade when we see the opportunity on the chart, but when will the price reach my point of interest? There is no answer to that question, but if we set an Alert before the point of interest (Order block), we will know once the price reaches it.

Notifications settings :

You can receive notifications via (sound alert), mobile APP, or even Email Message

Tradingview Alert

Trading view Alert

Sharing ideas

Sharing your ideas with the Trading view users will help you improve your analyzing skills by sharing your ideas with others, and you can check out their ideas to see if they match your analysis or if there are some points or patterns you didn’t notice.

Find out the ideas Here

Tradingview ideas

Trading view ideas

Tradingview Bar Reply mode

This feature is one of the most amazing things in Trading view because you can backtest your strategy manually without knowing what the next candle is. That is how we see the market, right? In this case, you analyze like usual; after you finish analyzing, you will find the result immediately.

Tradingview Reply

Tradingview Reply

Tradingview Download

You can Analyze the market with Tradingview via browser, or you can download it for free on your Desktop ->> Download Now <<-

Kindly choose whether your PC Is Windows, MacOS, or Linux.

After downloading The APP, please sign in to load your data such as (your Analysis, Pairs)

Tradingview APP Download

Trading view Download Link for Android users -> Download <-

Trading view Download Link for IOS users -> Download<-


David Easton
David Easton

David Easton I am David Easton, a dedicated professional with an MBA and residing in Los Angeles, California. My journey through the complex world of finance, especially in Forex trading, has been shaped by a rich academic background and over a decade of hands-on experience. This journey led me to specialize in the development and application of Expert Advisors (Forex robots), through which I have created hundreds of products designed to efficiently navigate the Forex market. My deep dive into market trends and trading tools reflects my passion for the financial markets and my commitment to making Forex trading accessible to traders at all levels. With this goal in mind, I co-founded https://eafxstore.com/, aiming to bridge the gap between advanced trading technologies and everyday traders. The website serves as an educational hub, offering state-of-the-art trading tools and the necessary knowledge to use them effectively, all with the purpose of providing the greatest benefit at the lowest possible cost. As a co-founder of EA FX Store, my mission extends beyond financial success; it’s about creating a platform that democratizes access to sophisticated trading tools, ensuring that education and technology go hand in hand to empower traders. Through this endeavor, I am committed to making a positive impact on the trading community, ensuring that everyone, regardless of their level of experience, has the opportunity to achieve their trading goals with the best resources at their disposal. This is not just my business; it’s my passion and my contribution to the world of Forex trading.

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